Allu Arjun’s blockbuster Pushpa 2: The Rule has been setting new benchmarks at the box office since its release. By the end of its fifth weekend, the movie’s domestic earnings reached an astonishing Rs 1199 crore, just shy of creating the Rs 1200 crore club in India. With this, the film has cemented its place among the biggest Indian releases of all time.
Even after a month in theaters, Pushpa 2 continues to attract audiences. The movie witnessed a slight drop on its fifth Friday, earning under Rs 5 crore for the first time. However, it bounced back on Saturday with a collection of Rs 5.5 crore. This consistency proves that the film still has its charm intact, even as it faces tough competition from Sankranti and Pongal releases in Telugu and Tamil cinema.
Racing Ahead in the Domestic Market
Pushpa 2 has become the fastest film to enter the Rs 1800 crore club worldwide. Only one other film, Dangal, holds a similar distinction. It’s not just about crossing milestones; the film has dethroned Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, a record-holder for seven years, to become the top domestic grosser. Fans and critics alike are hailing Allu Arjun’s stellar performance and Sukumar’s direction for pushing boundaries in Indian cinema.
What’s Next for Pushpa 2?
Despite its massive success, there’s still one peak left to conquer: Dangal’s worldwide record of Rs 2070 crore. Currently, Pushpa 2 stands at Rs 1800 crore globally, leaving it Rs 270 crore behind. Given the current pace, the gap might take some time to close. However, the coming days will be crucial, especially with the festive season bringing new films into the market.
A Cultural Phenomenon
Pushpa 2 isn’t just a box office hit; it’s a cultural phenomenon. Allu Arjun’s role as Pushpa has resonated with audiences across the country. The movie’s dialogues, songs, and action sequences have become viral trends, proving its wide-reaching impact. Whether it’s kids imitating his iconic style or fans flooding theaters for repeat viewings, the craze shows no signs of stopping.
The Road Ahead
As Pushpa 2 enters its fifth week, the film’s journey is far from over. It’s already smashed records and created new benchmarks. With Rs 1200 crore almost in the bag domestically, it’s a clear signal to the film industry: Indian cinema is evolving, and the bar is set higher than ever. The only question now is, how far can it go?
For fans of Allu Arjun and Indian cinema, the answer lies in the weeks ahead. All eyes are on Pushpa 2 to see if it can rewrite history one more time.